
7 Worst Career Mistakes You Can Make

Tennis and business have a lot more common than you may think. In 1982, a tennis professional coined the term "unforced error" to describe what happens when one player who is in position to return the ball makes an error by hitting the ball out of the field of play -- or missing the ball altogether. That same kind of error happens all of the time in the business world.

Research shows that even the smartest managers make the worst career errors. Once again, the same is true in tennis. Even the best players in the world make unforced errors in every match. In professional tennis as in business, the player with the fewest unforced errors usually wins.

Research also shows that at the top levels of corporations unforced errors have taken a greater toll than ever before. For example, CEO turnover is up 60 percent between 1995 and 2006 and shows no signs of slowing down (that according to a Booz Allen). However, you do not have to be a CEO to make a costly unforced error.

In my career of nearly three decades, I have had a front row seat to countless number of unforced errors in the workplace. Much to my surprise, I have witnessed egregious, stupid errors made by people I regarded as the smartest, most effective of colleagues.

So what kind of tennis mistakes also translates to your life and career? Consider the following:

Mistake No. 1: Always playing with a singles mindset
"Playing doubles," alongside a partner, is more realistic than acting like the Lone Ranger who does everything on his own. There are some individuals -- think of them as cowboys -- who have no ability to delegate or work with colleagues. This could be a huge unforced error; given the complexity of today's operating environment, every employee and manager can use all of the help he or she can get.

Mistake No. 2: Not facing reality at all times
Many great tennis players have wasted precious time arguing with referees insisting that the ref's calls were wrong (think John McEnroe and Serena Williams). In business, the same phenomenon occurs all the time. For example, managers cannot come to terms with the fact that their latest new product is a failure and they pour more good money into bad chasing something that should have been abandoned.

Mistake No. 3: Not taking learning seriously enough
This is another problem that exists in both the tennis and business worlds. In tennis, one needs to put in the requisite practice hours to improve his or her game. John McEnroe felt that Ivan Lendl became the incredible champion he did through "sheer rehearsal." In business, one needs to take learning just as seriously. Former GE CEO Jack Welch affirmed that when he said that it is the responsibility of every worker to find a better way of doing things.

Mistake No. 4: Not experimenting on a consistent basis
Celebrated tennis writer W. Timothy Gallwey once said, "Perfect strokes are already within us, waiting to be discovered." Tennis great Billie Jean King explained that champions keep playing until they get it right." In business, a perfect stroke might be a marketing presentation that wins a million dollar account, or a strategy presentation that that helps you to win that elusive promotion.

Mistake No. 5: Not being prepared at all times
Being prepared counts for a lot in business as it does in tennis. And unlike other traps, this one is entirely within your control. For example, if you go to a meeting and your boss asks you about a project that is your responsibility, can you give her up-to-date-information on the account? Do you know important deadlines? What landmines must you look out for? These are the kinds of things that a manager must be prepared to answer at all times.

Mistake No. 6: Not protecting your flanks
Tennis players need to see and be in command of the total court. In business, one needs to be in touch with all aspects of the game if they are going to have a good chance of success. Everyone is affected by turf wars and power plays that take place every day in your office. The key, says career expert Dr. Kathleen Reardon is that if you "choose any two competent people, the one who has political savvy, agility in the use of power, and the ability to influence [others] that will go further."

Mistake No. 7: Not taking ownership of your part of the court
Not taking responsibility is another of those tricky unforced errors of omission. The mistake is not in something one does, but in something that one doesn't. So this is an easy mistake to make and one of the more common of unforced errors. While you can't control everything, step up and take more responsibility -- within reason -- whenever you can. If there is nobody addressing a problem that you notice or taking advantage of an opportunity that you identify, think about whether you should be doing it yourself.

Paraffin, Scented Candles Can Cause Cancer, Study Reveals

Women’s undying love for scented candles seems to be just one of the many mysteries men can’t understand, no matter what. Whichever the reason behind it, though, it’s not something that will go away anytime soon, as ladies have shown in recent years they’re determined to stick with this one. A new study and warning issued by the American Chemical Society might make them change their mind, since it shows paraffin, scented candles can actually cause cancer if lit on a daily basis, the Daily Mail informs.

Naturally scented, beeswax (or soy or vegetable) candles are OK, no matter how often we want to light them, the study says. Those that contain paraffin and artificial scents are not, though, being linked to a plethora of affections, including asthma attacks, lung cancer and all sorts of allergies. Still, those who light one or two candles every now and then when they take a bath are not in any serious danger, the study adds: it’s those who do it every day and then inhale the toxic fumes that should consider themselves warned.

“The annual conference of the American Chemical Society has let it be known that scented candles made from paraffin wax give off toluene, benzene, and a host of other toxins linked to asthma, eczema and cancer.” the Mail writes on the findings of the study. Benzene and toluene, which are released in the air when the paraffin is burnt, are dangerous and we should avoid inhaling them no matter what, experts agree. So, if we’re really that hooked on scented candles, we might as well look for natural variants and steer clear of artificial products.

“Benzene and toluene are solvents that are used industrially to make glue and gloss paint. When people sniff glue, it is solvents like this that are making them high. Benzene particularly is a known carcinogen – i.e. it has been proven to cause cancer. It’s not a substance that I would ever expose myself to in the lab.” Dr. Andy Beeby, chemistry expert from Durham University, shares for the Mail.

The trick with learning about the dangerous ingredients in scented candles (that is, paraffin, parabens, which are “chemicals used in preservatives that can cause allergic reactions,” and artificial scents) is that most of these products do not disclose this type of information because it’s considered a trade secret, the Mail further explains. However, candles made with all-natural ingredients are bound to put that on the package, while it will also be reflected in the pricing, so this is where we should start first.

How to Prepare Your Bedroom for the Perfect Sleep

Without a doubt, we’ve all experienced that nasty sensation of laying down to sleep, after professing we would doze off even before our head got to touch the pillow, and not being able to keep the eyes shut. As the body breaks down from the stress and exhaustion throughout the day, the mind seems to race a hundred miles an hour, obstinately refusing to shut down. This, specialists say for Shape magazine, can be easily overcome if we just pay attention to several details around our bedroom.

We can easily trick our body and mind into falling asleep and, what’s more important, catching some very resting zzz’s. Nevertheless, chances of that happening are slim to none if there is at least one factor that’s working against us when it comes to turning off the lights, and this is why we should know where to look. For instance, a lumpy mattress, the lack of air, noisy neighbors or too much light in the room can easily prevent us from falling asleep, even if we have grown so accustomed with them we hardly ever notice them.

“Most people think mattresses should last a lifetime, but they don’t – after all, we spend a third of our lives in bed. Although manufacturers may offer a 20-year warranty, mattresses are a lot like sneakers: They start to wear out long before they actually fall apart. Expect yours to last about eight to 10 years.” Max Hirshkowitz, Ph.D., director of the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston, says for Shape. His recommendation: changing the mattress if the 8-10-year limit is exceeded. Buying a new mattress is, again, not really as complicated as we often tend to make it, as it should be all about testing each one individually by laying on it and rolling around a couple of times, the expert says.

“Your body needs to be in the dark to produce melatonin, the hormone that helps you fall, and stay, asleep.” experts also tell the mag about the need to create a dim ambient at least half an hour before actually going to sleep. Noises that are perceived, although not always acknowledged, can also keep us awake at night, so they should be eliminated. Specialists include here noisy neighbors, traffic, a snoring partner or a TV, and we’re to try all methods to shut them out altogether. Should none work, using ear plugs or a relaxation sound machine is probably best to get a resting night sleep.

Greens are also ideal to encourage sleep because they boost the sense of wellbeing and relaxation. “Plants improve air quality, and having a little bit of nature in your bedroom can improve relaxation. But they can also grow mold. If you’re highly allergic to mold spores, place your plant near a sunny window, keep the soil a little dry, and be diligent about removing dead leaves. Floras that top the clean-air list include English ivy, peace lilies, and bamboo palm.” Donna Arand, Ph.D., clinical director of the Kettering Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center, Ohio, says for the publication.

For more tips on how to arrange the bedroom so as to eliminate all causes that might be keeping you awake at night, please see here.

How to Sell Your Products When No One Seems to be Buying

When finances are tight, consumers want to spend money on something they feel will improve the quality of their life – a purchase they can feel good about (investment spending) – or on something that is absolutely necessary (mandatory spending).

Think about the above statement again and you will discover a powerful marketing tool during recession times: You need to sell your product or service as something the consumer needs, or as something that will be an investment (the pay-off is that the product will improve their lives in some way).

Forget “luxury” items ads. Until the stock market us up (way up) and unemployment is down (way down), unless you are selling to the uber rich, very few consumers are dropping bucks on luxury items these days.

Take a look at Lowe’s, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, shopping malls, and even local grocery stores. Everywhere you go merchants are cutting back on high-ticket inventory items. One New Jersey car dealership even recently offered “buy an SUV and get a car for $1.00” promotion to move expensive gas-guzzlers.

Services and Products that are Always in Demand

Novelty items come and go, so it is never a good idea to rely on long-term success with just fad ideas. Be sure to also develop product lines and services that can provide consistent and more predictable income than trends and fads.

Even when the economy takes a dive, there are still certain industries that remain strong because the need and demand for services is ever-present. Consumers may be willing or able to spend less, but certain industries serve major life events that happen every day.

Consumers always need goods and services for:

  • Babies and Children
  • Pets
  • Health and Fitness Buffs
  • Weddings and Brides
  • Funerals and Loss of a Loved One
  • Special Occasions
  • College and School

No matter what you are selling it will sell better if you can convince people they need or will benefit from your products and services. If you can tie your business marketing strategies into major life events and needs (not as a status symbol or "bling") you will have a better chance of selling your products in a very stale market.

How to Assess Your Business to Develop Better Strategies

Get or Give Advice to Other Women Business Owners

How do you assess your business and what do you do with that information? Do you update your business plan only when there is a crisis? How do you develop and implement business strategies? If you have advice to share to help other business women struggling to keep their own businesses going please share your tips, advice, anecdotes, and resources.

How to Assess Your Business

The most important rule when assessing your business is to completely separate the business from yourself. A business assessment should look at the strengths and weaknesses of your business – not your own or that of your partners and employees (those assessments should done be done independent of a business assessment).

A more personal assessment on how your business decisions will affect you and your family (i.e., whether or not to stay in business or to make personal financial sacrifices to keep your business afloat during hard times) is an assessment that should only be made after you have determined the viability of your business.

To begin your business assessment, make a list that includes three columns:

  • Column 1 – The Positives: List successes and things that are working well. This column is your “balance” column. An assessment or list that only contains the negatives is not focusing on the big picture.

  • Column 2 – The Reality Check: List business goals that have not been met, specific challenges, and set-backs. This is your “reality check” column and should not contain personal statements that begin with “I.” You are not looking to reinvent yourself, but ways to improve your business.

  • Column 3 – The Assessment: In this column you will try to identify key reasons for challenges and divide each issue from Column 2 into two main areas: Things you can change; and things you cannot change.

    For example, if you are trying to sell something consumers simply are not buying, you may not be able to change consumer trends, but you can change your product line.

The chart list below is an example of how one business owner assessed the overall state of her business that is taking a loss (your own assessment should be more detailed). Notice the complete absence of pronouns that make this assessment a personal indictment, but uses words that identify the business challenges not personal challenges.

Identifying challenges without personal blame allows you to see solutions and assess your business idea based on its own merits. For example, in the chart below we see that a lease that was once affordable is now a cash drain. The problem is not necessarily that the business idea and model are bad, but shows that one decision (the lease) has put a strain on the budget.

Business Assessment Checklist

My Business Assessment
Positives: Balance ListMy Business Reality Check ListThe Assessment
The business did well for the first three years, growing from a one-person operation to a company employing 15 workers.The past year the business has taken a loss; sales have declined and expenses exceeded revenues.
Things that led to business losses: product sales are down, direct and indirect expenses of hiring new employees, moving into bigger office space – the rent is too high now. The economy is horrible!

Cannot Change: The economy or consumer spending habits.

Can Change: Number of expenses. Look at downsizing as a strategy for long-term viability; try to renegotiate the lease or sublease until more suitable space can be found; examine product lines and closely study what products are selling better and why.

Business Assessment Tips: A business assessment is balanced and offers both positives and negatives. It should be designed to identify problems clearly to address things that you can change, and evaluate the impact of things you cannot change.


HTC Hero Review - Part 2

HTC Hero Review - Part 1

HTC Hero Review - Part 2:

Menu and Software

HTC Hero runs Android operating system, including Cupcake 1.5. The innovation comes from the new graphical user interface that has been put over the OS and called Sense. The new UI can be officially installed on any previous models of HTC Magic that are unlocked. HTC stated that those that bought their HTC Magic smartphone locked on various operator networks won't be able to benefit form this upgrade.

Still, rumors say that there's a workaround that lets users install Sense even on G1 devices. Anyway, the new GUI resembles a little the TouchFLO UI that has been made especially for Windows Mobile devices. It seems that HTC changed a large chunk of TouchFLO to offer a new eye-candy and more user-friendly graphical interface. And what a great job they did.

First of all, you can now take advantage of six Homescreens, which can be populated with two kinds of widgets. Those that were usually included in the Android interface and a wide range offered by the new Sense interface. As seen in the screenshots, you can add Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, favorite contacts, music player, camera, market, Google Maps and much more directly on any of the six Homescreens.

The transition between these is fast and smooth, more responsive than TouchFLO's transitions. The standard Homescreen includes the weather widget, which updates at regular intervals if you have a data connection available. Under the weather widget (which also includes the clock), you will notice four shortcuts: Messages, Mail, Browser and Calendar. There's even a Homescreen that includes previews of four web pages: Google, eBay, Facebook and MySpace.

Holding the Home button pressed for a few seconds will bring up a task manager, which will display the last six applications that you opened. These remain active in the smartphone's memory, so if you open the seventh, the first application you have previously accessed will automatically be closed. There's also a dedicated YouTube video player, which gives you a fast access to clips hosted by YouTube. Other applications pre-installed include QuickOffice, PDF Viewer, Footprints, Stocks, VoiceRecorder and Teeter.

The new Sense GUI radically changes the phone's menu aspect in a positive way, making HTC Hero one of the most user-friendly and smooth smartphone available on the market.


HTC Hero boasts all possible connectivity tools that should be included in a high-end device: GPRS and EDGE class 10, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and HSUPA 2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP, miniUSB 2.0. As you can see from the tests below, the device reached speeds of up to 2350.4 Kbit/s download and 621.2 Kbit/s on Wi-Fi connection and 1115.2 Kbit/s download and 336.1 Kbit/s upload on the Orange 3G+ network. These performances are more than welcome for a device that mostly depends on the data transfer to update its widgets or for fast Internet browsing.

The integrated browser WebKit cannot be closed but it seems upgraded compared with the previous two Android devices: Magic and G1. The control can only be compared with the iPhone's. You can now take advantage of the multi-touch gestures to quickly zoom in/out. The browsing experience is one of the best embedded into a smartphone.

Bluetooth still hasn't received its upgrade and can mostly be used for headset support. You don't have the possibility to transfer files over the Bluetooth connectivity, as the platform lacks the OBEX protocol. Let's hope that future updates will make available this feature too.

HTC Hero is compatible with all email clients and protocols (POP3, IMAP) and can be synchronized with Microsoft Exchange. The rest of the email accounts can be set to be checked at various intervals (five, ten, 30 minutes). The device is also compatible with SMS, EMS, and MMS text features. Instant-messaging options include Google Talk, but other IMs can also be installed. The interface is pretty straightforward and user-friendly. The Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g connectivity is another option that will surely reduce costs for those that are heavily using Internet browsing or data transfers. The built-in GPS receiver and digital compass work together with the Google Maps, so that you won't get lost. Unfortunately, there's no software behind the integrated GPS receiver, so vocal guiding is out of the question.

HTC Hero is a quad-band GSM (850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900) handset that is also compatible with HSDPA 900/2100 networks. The in-call sound quality is excellent, one of the best that I have encountered in HTC devices. The GSM signal is also good, but avoid keeping the gadget set on the 3G band, as the reception is rather mediocre.

Processor and Memory

HTC Hero is powered by a single Qualcomm MSM7200A ARM11 family processor, running at speeds of up to 528 Mhz. Overall, I haven't experienced any lock-downs, crashes, or lags. Moreover, the phone acts very fast to any command, even when multiple applications are running in the background. Even though it's been added a new great looking graphical interface, the phone seems to be working excellent with no apparent hiccups.

The smartphone embeds 288 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM memory. The storage space can be expanded up to 32GB through the hot-swappable microSD slot card that has been placed under the back cover, on the left upper corner of the phone. The sales package also contains a 2GB or a better microSD card, depending on the location.


HTC Hero features an MP3 player that can also be used as a widget from the Homescreen. Unfortunately, there are no visible upgrades since the last Android device. This may be the only downside of the phone. Still, HTC is not known for its good quality music phones, so we should’ve expected this. Even though the MP3 player looks nice, you are still unable to use any kind of equalizers or visualization effects. The only improvement that can be easily noticed is the added 3.5mm jcak port on the top side of the phone. Thus, you will now be able to add your own headphone for a better music playback experience.

The music player supports audio files in MP3, AAC, AAC+, WMA, MPEG4, WAV, MIDI, Real Audio and Ogg formats. The music sound is somewhat average in quality, but a little bit too low. The video player that appeared for the first time into Magic's firmware is also present in this model, but do not look for it in the menu. The video player will open itself every time you click on a video file. HTC Hero wasn't made to be used as an MP3 player, that's for sure, but at least it offers some decent features for those that want to casually listen to some music or watch a short movie.


HTC Hero includes a slim 1350 mAh Li-Ion, which has an officially stated life expectancy of 440 hours in standby (750 hours for 3G) and 8 hours in talk-time mode (7 hours for 3G). Our test unit made it for about two days, but it was heavy used. During the tests, I noticed that you can prolong battery life if you disable the live connection for all widgets that need to updated regularly, and the emails. In fact, you can almost double the lifetime of the battery by doing these changes, which means that you will only need to charge it twice per week at most. Anyway, HTC Hero has one of the best autonomies from all other Android devices.


The latest Android smartphone from HTC and the first to feature the new Sense interface attracts users with every aspect. Design, GUI, ease of use, performance, these are making the Hero one of the best choices for those in search of a good-looking, powerful smartphone. I was very happy to use the phone and I can say that HTC has made almost a perfect job in trying to offer an alternative to the Apple's iPhone.

The Good

Just about everything has been included into this smartphone, but its main highlight is definitely the great Sense UI and the multi-touch feature. I would also like to add to the positive side of the device the improved lifetime of the battery, excellent browser and good HSDPA data transfer speed.

The Bad

I think the main drawback of the phone is the mediocre quality of the multimedia features. More settings and functions for the MP3 player, as well as a better quality of the sound would've been great. There are also some minor downsides, such as the inability to transfer data through the Bluetooth connection and the lack of any advanced functions for the camera. Perhaps a secondary front camera for video-calls would've been nice to add. Also, I should probably mention that the price of the smartphone is very high, and even though I think it's worth every penny, I still have to add it as a negative aspect.

Sales Package

HTC Hero handset;
Stereo headset;
2GB microSD Card;
1350 mAh Li-Ion Battery;
USB Cable.

HTC Hero Review - Part 1

HTC strikes again with another smarpthone featuring the much acclaimed Android operating system. Sporting a fresh and stylish design, as well as a new innovative GUI, HTC Hero shakes the world of smartphones through its performances. Even though its specs are not well over anything on the market, the way it works makes Hero the best Android device and perhaps one of the best smartphones on the market. As I see it, this is the main rival of Apple's iPhone. I will avoid making too many comparisons between the flagship devices from the three main manufacturers that pretend to own the best smartphone on the market: Nokia N97, iPhone and HTC Hero, as people tastes and needs are very different. Instead, I'll try to point out some of the qualities and downsides of Hero, as well as the traits that make it better than its main rivals.

HTC Hero was announced in June 2009 and launched on the market one month later, in July 2009. The smartphone is available in a plethora of colors: Brown, White, Graphite, Black and Pink. The unlocked version of HTC Hero can be bought for around 650USD, but the price may vary depending on the location.


Following the design of the first two Android devices, Hero features the same curved form factor. Hero's curved shape is more obvious now, which also has a technical advantage as the mic will be closer to your mouth during phone calls. The phone is made from a special plastic that looks like teflon. Unfortunately, this is a fingerprint magnet, and together with the large touchscreen, which will be full of grease in no time, are some of the downsides of the gadget, in case you hate to dirt your phone. Of course, a small cloth for wiping will probably solve this, but the problem remains, as the fingerprints will reappear the moment you put your hands on it. The same goes for the touchscreen, which can only be controlled by finger.

Nevertheless, the phone's design should make users forget about this downside. There are no external keys around the phone, except the long volume key, which has been hidden in the phone's case, on the upper left side. On the top side of the phone, HTC placed a 3.5mm jack port, while on the bottom side, there's a miniUSB port. Under the 3.2-inch display, there are four keys, symmetrically arranged, starting from left to right, these are: Accept calls, Home, Menu and Reject calls (Power on/off). Right under these keys, in the middle, you'll notice the excellent trackball. To the right of it, there's a dual key that features a Search key and a Back key.

The Search key will open a Google window, which will enable users to quickly search for whatever they need. The 5-megapixel camera on the back of the phone doesn't have any protective lens, instead it has been placed a little bit inside the back cover for minimal protection. As the camera doesn't feature any flash capabilities, you will notice to the left of the camera a very small loudspeaker. Under the hood of the device, you'll find the SIM slot card and the microSD slot for memory card. The latter is a little bit harder to find on the upper left corner of the phone, but it's hot-swappable, as you won't need to pull out the battery to insert the memory card.

HTC Hero measures 112 x 56.2 x 14.4 mm and weighs 135g (including battery), which makes it a very well balanced device. You may be wondering how it will fit in your pocket with its curved shape, but I didn't have any problems with it. It feels great in hand, thanks to the exquisite compound that covers it, and because the controls have been placed on the base curved part, it will be much easier to access it. I think the curve form is the main attraction of the smartphone at first glance. Overall, HTC Hero's design is very stylish and ergonomically thought.

Display and Camera

HTC Hero features a 3.2-inch TFT capacitive touchscreen that supports 65K colors and a 320x480-pixel resolution. Even though it seems to be the same display that HTC Magic has, this one is perfectly visible under strong sunlight. Another new feature introduced is the multi-touch input method, which makes it even easier to control. Otherwise, thanks to the technology embedded, it eliminates the need for a stylus and makes your own finger the only way you can control your device on the screen.

The accelerometer works with a low number of applications (Gallery included). Anyway, the image quality is flawless, and the change between landscape and portrait mode is smooth and includes animation. Everything you do seems effortlessly natural when using the touchscreen: touching, dragging, or moving. This proves again that the technology that stands behind these capacitive touchscreens is superior to that of resistive displays. The scrolling process is even better than that of the iPhone, while the virtual on-screen keyboard is very easy to control. In fact, I think all these are superior to iPhone, as it also benefits from the haptic feedback feature.

The 5-megapixel camera on the back of the phone doesn't feature advanced functions, instead you only get autofocus. The maximum resolution that can be used to take pictures is 2592 x 1944 pixels. While night pictures are out of the question, users will still be able to take more than decent day snapshots. Even though you don't have functions like smile detection or blink detection, I'd say that the camera is almost on par with that of Nokia N97, which is also obsolete.

I cannot compare it with the iPhone's as we all know that Apple's smartphone is no better than average. The user interface is pretty simple without any complex settings and can be browsed by touch. The shutter of the phone is the white trackball. The latter is a little bit weird to use instead of a dedicated camera key, as it doesn't feature the half-press function for autofocus.

Instead, you will simply need to point the camera to the object of your shooting and press the trackball. The camera will automatically autofocus in about 1-2 seconds, while the saving process will take another 1-2 seconds. It may feel weird, but it's definitely much easier to take pictures.

The camera of the smartphone can also record clips, but to my disappointment, it only records CIF clips at 15fps. There's not much to discuss about quality, just that the feature is there and you can use it to some degree. Overall, I think the 5-megapixel camera takes above average pictures, but it might be a good idea to upgrade the module with new advanced features like Samsung and LG are already doing.

College Savers Stuck in Stocks as Market Falls

IRS Rule on 529 Plans Allows Just One Portfolio Shift a Year; Weighing a Cheaper School

A rule designed to protect investors in 529 college-savings plans is having the unintended side effect of preventing them from shifting to more-conservative investments as the stock market swoons.

When Charles Strawbridge of Ashtabula, Ohio, got nervous about the markets this past spring, he wanted to boost the bond allocations in the 529 plans he had set up for his 16- and 19-year-old sons. But because he and his adviser, Matt Olver of Cleveland, had already changed his investment mix in January, he had to keep his current allocation of 20% and 25% in equities for his older and younger sons, respectively.

Now, after watching the accounts drop in recent weeks, he's telling his older son -- who is in the process of transferring colleges -- to consider less-expensive schools. "We do have to keep in mind the downturn that the market has had on his available funds," says Mr. Strawbridge, a 55-year-old accountant. "It was unfortunate that we couldn't have made the move. It takes a little bit off the table."

With 529 plans, investors put after-tax dollars into an account that typically offers a range of mutual funds and other investments. Distributions and earnings are tax-free, as long as they're used for higher education. The plans have grown in popularity in recent years -- they held about $110 billion in assets at the end of the second quarter -- although the pace of net new investments into the plans has started to slow, according to Citigroup Inc.'s Financial Research Corp..

Amid the current market turmoil, more investors like Mr. Strawbridge are running into one of the quirkier restrictions of these state-sponsored plans: an Internal Revenue Service rule that limits investors to one investment change per calendar year. The rule is intended to keep people from making knee-jerk reactions to market moves, but some investors and financial advisers say it makes the plans overly restrictive. Indeed, the College Savings Plan Network, a membership organization of state 529 officials, investment firms, program managers and others, is considering asking the Treasury Department to raise that limit to four times a year.

But that's not the only feature of 529 plans that's causing investors grief right now. Many investors use age-based portfolios that automatically shift to more conservative investments as the child nears college. Yet some of these conservative portfolios may actually hold a high percentage in stocks. North Carolina's National College Savings Program has an age-based portfolio that can hold just over 50% in stocks, including real-estate securities, just one year before the child starts college. That portfolio, which is part of the state's CollegeHorizonFunds managed by J.&W. Seligman & Co., was down 15.7% for the 12 months ended Sept. 30. Given the big market drops this month, the plan has likely posted additional losses.

Seligman's age-based portfolios were designed to create "the opportunity for capital appreciation" while becoming "extremely conservative" in college, says Charles Kadlec, the firm's managing director. The CollegeHorizonFunds move to 100% cash in the last two years of college, he says.

Other plans with more-aggressive portfolios include Nebraska's broker-sold AIM College Savings Plan, which can have as much as 40% in equities when the child is one to three years away from college, and South Carolina's Future Scholars direct-sold plan, which can have up to 33% in equities with college enrollment one to two years away.

Keeping Pace With Tuition

Such equity exposure may help investors keep pace with tuition increases, some investment managers say. "If you're a senior in high school, you still have five years before you hit your senior year of college," says Tom Kazmierczak, senior product manager for T. Rowe Price Group Inc.'s 529 unit, whose portfolios for students starting college in 2009 can hold up to 28% in stocks and up to 20% while the child is in college.

But the market is proving to be too nerve-wracking for some investors. After watching her 529 college savings plans fall by about 20% in recent weeks, Jeanine Clark of Poway, Calif., is considering pulling money out of the plans altogether -- even though she would get hit with taxes and penalties. "I can't afford to lose it all," says the 43-year-old physical therapist, who has close to $200,000 invested in two Nevada 529 plans for her 6- and 14-year-old sons.

Ms. Clark's financial planner, Mary Van Nostrand of San Diego, says she moved many of her clients with other types of accounts into conservative investments in recent weeks. However, she decided not to do so with Ms. Clark because the restrictions in the 529 plan meant Ms. Clark wouldn't be able to switch back into equities until next year, and thus would miss out on gains if the market bounced back in that time.

"If you're trying to avoid some of the craziness that's going on in the markets right now, you're kind of stuck," says Ms. Van Nostrand.

Executive directors for the Virginia, Ohio and Utah 529 plans say they're seeing a jump in the number of account holders who are switching their investments to safer investments such as certificates of deposit, stable-value funds or money-market funds. The Utah Educational Savings Plan received more changes last week than it typically processes in a given month, says Lynne Ward, the plan's director. TIAA-CREF, which manages eight state 529 savings plans, says it is seeing similar trends, especially with account owners who have kids close to college age.

Paring Back Equities

Families who are planning to tap their funds in the next year or two should be looking at paring their equity exposure and transferring their money to more conservative assets, say financial planners. Some plans, such as Ohio, Montana and Arizona, offer CDs as investment options. Others may want to move their savings to a "prepaid" 529 plan, in which families can lock in current tuition rates, says Fred Amrein, a financial planner in Wynnewood, Pa. He has been transferring some of his clients' investments to Pennsylvania's guaranteed savings plan, which resembles a prepaid plan.

The market turmoil is hitting families with children who are juniors and seniors in high school the hardest, since there is less time to make up the losses. In those cases, investors may have to delay, if possible, tapping their plans until the child is in their third or fourth year of college, says Jason Cole, a financial planner at Abacus Wealth Partners LLC in Philadelphia. Parents can also use the funds for graduate school or change the beneficiary to a younger sibling, he says.

On the other hand, investors with younger children may want to boost their equity allocation to take advantage of lower prices. T.J. Kohler of West Bloomfield, Ind., says that while his plans are down about 30%, he has boosted his contributions for his 4-, 3- and 1-year-olds, since they are years away from needing the money. "Ten years from now, this will be a blip in the marketplace," says the 35-year-old software engineer.

Investors can also get around the once-a-year investment restriction by changing plans or switching beneficiaries. And since the limits apply only to money that has already been invested, savers can always redirect how their future contributions are invested to gradually change their allocation.

Those investors whose 529 plans are "under water" -- that is, whose value is less than what they've put in -- could completely cash out of the 529 plan without paying federal taxes and penalties no matter what they use the money for, since federal taxes and penalties are assessed only on earnings, says Mr. Olver, the financial planner. Investors can also claim the loss as a miscellaneous itemized deduction, though they may be hit with state taxes, says Joe Hurley of Savingforcollege.com.

Paul Saam of Austin, Texas, says that while his two 529 savings accounts are down by about 20%, he's not overly worried. "With two kids under two, I'm not too concerned about how the market affects their college savings," says the 33-year-old, who works at a medical-devices company.

Still, he says the lack of flexibility with the plans is a "little bit frustrating. When you're tied down to one change a year, it's a little scary. The market downturn made me think about asset allocation a little bit more than I had before."

College Applicants, Beware: Your Facebook Page Is Showing

High-school seniors already fretting about grades and test scores now have another worry: Will their Facebook or MySpace pages count against them in college admissions?

A new survey of 500 top colleges found that 10% of admissions officers acknowledged looking at social-networking sites to evaluate applicants. Of those colleges making use of the online information, 38% said that what they saw "negatively affected" their views of the applicant. Only a quarter of the schools checking the sites said their views were improved, according to the survey by education company Kaplan, a unit of Washington Post Co.

Some admissions officers said they had rejected students because of material on the sites. Jeff Olson, who heads research for Kaplan's test-preparation division, says one university did so after the student gushed about the school while visiting the campus, then trashed it online. Kaplan promised anonymity to the colleges, of which 320 responded. The company surveyed schools with the most selective admissions.

The vast majority of the colleges surveyed had no policy about when it was appropriate for school officials to look at prospective students' social-networking sites. "We're in the early stage of a new technology," Mr. Olson says. "It's the Wild, Wild West. There are no clear boundaries or limits."

The lack of rules is already provoking debate among admissions officers. Some maintain that applicants' online data are public information that schools should vet to help protect the integrity of the institutions. Others say they are uncomfortable flipping through teenage Facebook pages.

Colleges' recent interest in social-networking sites is leading many aspiring students to take a hard look at their online habits and in some cases to remove or change postings. With a high-school graduating class nationwide of 3.3 million students, colleges are expected to be sifting through a record number of applications this year.

Nicholas Santangelo, a senior at Seton Hall Prep, a private school in West Orange, N.J., says he expects colleges might look at his Facebook site but hopes admissions officers realize the postings reflect only a partial view of any student. "There are some things I might think about getting rid of," says Nicholas, 17, who is considering such competitive schools as Amherst College and Wesleyan University.

Sites like Facebook and MySpace let users set up online profiles -- including pictures, videos and other personal information -- then solicit others to join their network of online "friends." Users can exchange messages, often publicly, and sometimes offer detailed descriptions of their activities, dreams and fears.

The sites have inspired many a national conversation over privacy and exhibitionism. Some job applicants have already discovered the hard way that employers often examine the sites to weed out candidates. Representatives of the sites say users can establish online privacy settings that let their pages be viewed only by invited "friends." MySpace is part of News Corp., which owns The Wall Street Journal. Facebook is closely held.

But Kaplan and many high-school guidance counselors say students often don't restrict public access on social-networking sites and, in any case, damaging information can find a way to leak out. David Hawkins, director of public policy and research for the National Association for College Admission Counseling, a professional organization, says schools don't have time to scour the Internet systematically to check out thousands of applicants. But he says admissions officers at times receive anonymous tips, which may be from rival applicants, about embarrassing Facebook or MySpace material, such as a picture of a student drunk at an underage party.

In another recent study, Nora Ganim Barnes, director of the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, found that 21% of colleges used social-networking sites for recruiting prospects and gathering information about applicants. It's especially common when universities are awarding scholarships because it isn't hard to go online for a handful of finalists. "No one wants to be on the front page of the newspaper for giving a scholarship to a murderer," she says. "Everybody is trying to protect their brands."

Thomas Griffin, director of undergraduate admissions at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, says the school will do an Internet search, including Facebook and other sites, if an application raises "red flags," such as a suspension from school. Mr. Griffin says several applicants a year have been rejected in part because of information on social-networking sites. In a recent case, the university researched a student who disclosed on his application that he had been disciplined for fighting. The school found a Facebook page with a picture of the applicant holding a gun. "We have to use this information to make the best decision for the university," Mr. Griffin says.

Janet Lavin Rapelye, dean of admission at Princeton University, says the school hasn't rejected any applicant because of information posted on the Internet. Princeton doesn't have time to look at all applicants' online information, but if an offensive Facebook post came to the college's attention, the school would examine it, Ms. Rapelye says. "All of us would consider anything that would cause us to doubt a student's character," she says.

Greg Roberts, senior associate dean of admission at the University of Virginia, says his staff is free to check out anonymous tips about social-networking sites or make use of the information if the admissions committee is evaluating a "tight" decision.

Sandra Starke, vice provost for enrollment management at the State University of New York at Binghamton, says she instructs her staff to ignore Facebook and other sites because she considers postings to be casual conversations, the online equivalent of street-corner banter. "At this age, the students are still experimenting," she says. "It's a time for them to learn. It's important for them to grow. We need to be careful how we might use Facebook."

Marc Prablek, a senior at Ladue Horton Watkins High School in suburban St. Louis, considers Facebook information "out in the public" and fair game for colleges. The 17-year-old, with some 550 "friends," says, "I don't have anything bad on Facebook," but he may tweak his profile to be "more sophisticated."

Marc, who plans to apply early to Stanford University, says he won't mention that he loves to read X-Men comic books. His Facebook literary picks currently include "Crime and Punishment" and "Pride and Prejudice."

High-school guidance counselors advise applicants, even if they restrict public access on their sites, to refrain from including anything that could hurt them in college admissions. They especially caution against foul or offensive language, nudity, or photos of drinking and drug use.

"Students need to be accountable for their actions," says Scott Anderson, director of college guidance at St. George's Independent School, a private school near Memphis, Tenn. When writing on Facebook or MySpace, he says, they should be thinking, "Is this something you want your grandmother to see?"

The Great (Used) Gold Rush of 2009 - Part 2

The Great (Used) Gold Rush of 2009 - Part 1

The Great (Used) Gold Rush of 2009 - Part 2:

Beware the Buyer's Market

In jewelry, it's all about the rocks. "The bigger the glitter, the better the value," says Harry Rinker, a nationally syndicated antiques columnist and author of Sell, Keep, or Toss?

At a time when many former jewelry buyers suddenly hope to sell off heirlooms to pay the mortgage, it's important to remember that the bling that best retains value comes from such well-known jewelers as Cartier, Verdura, Van Cleef & Arpels, and Boucheron. "Although these pieces are manufactured with gold, diamonds, and other precious gems, it's really the design that moves them beyond what the product is made of," says Karen Keane, of Boston-based auction house Skinner.

While gold pieces are more valuable than they were a year ago, the weak economy has cut the price of precious gems, making this a buyer's market. The price of diamonds, for example, has fallen slightly for the first time in many years, says Paul Pastor, president of Washington-area jeweler Chas Schwartz & Son. He says a high-quality 3-carat diamond that could sell for $210,000 in October 2008 now fetches $185,000. "It's a buyer's market," he says, noting his estate-purchasing business is up 25% in the last year.

Because the market has been flooded with watch collections, those prices have dropped, too. At two major recent watch auctions in New York, at least 500 items went unsold. A late-model Patek Philippe World Time that sold for $38,000 last fall is now available for $29,500, Pastor says. And there is little demand for old standard wristwatches such as models from Hamilton and Bulova -- or old pocket watches, which are considered fuddy-duddy, experts say.

Antiques expert Rinker says jewelry from the Victorian and Art Deco eras draw the most attention, while interest has waned for pieces from the 1950s and '60s. "That bubble has burst a bit," he says.

If you're looking to sell Grandma's ruby ring or just want to know what your stuff is worth, read on.

1. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Baubles

Depending on how attractive the piece is, it may really be worth its weight in gold. While rubies, sapphires, and emeralds have value, there are also many industrial-quality gems that do not hold any extra value above the metal. If the piece is attractive and resalable -- or made by a well-known designer such as Van Cleef & Arpels -- it will bring more than just its scrap weight.

2. 1-Carat Diamond Ring Tiffany Setting

Of course, what you can expect to be paid will always depend on the diamond, but for an average near-colorless and slightly imperfect stone, expect close to $1,000 or more.

3. Gold Bangle Bracelet

This will depend on the weight, but the yellow gold bangle you wore in the 1970s that really isn't in fashion should yield at least $250.

4. Diamond Studs

The value depends on the size and quality of the diamonds. While the seller should never expect what the studs cost at retail, a 2-carat pair of diamond studs should resell for around $3,000.

5. Rolex Submariner

These popular Rolexes typically fetch $2,500 to $3,000.

6. Grandma's Pearls

Pearls are abundant on the secondhand market and are always difficult to resell. Mikimoto pearls will typically bring $1,000 and up for a nice strand.

7. Art Deco Gem-Set Devant de Corsage, Boucheron, Paris

Designed by Lucien Hirtz, this rare Art Deco gem set was sold at auction for $189,600 on Mar. 17 by Skinner Auctioneers & Appraisers in Boston. The original estimate was $50,000 to $75,000. "Jewelry really seems to have held its value at all different levels," says Skinner CEO Karen Keane. "We have not seen a fire-sale mentality yet."

8. Patek Philippe Perpetual Chronograph, Ref. 3970

The discontinued, but well-collected, model is often found at auctions and high-end secondary dealers. This watch in white gold sold for $108,000 at the last Antiquorum auction in New York City. "Prices have deflated in the watch world but less than you may think," says William Rohr, Antiquorum's managing director and chief operating officer. "We are 20% to 30% from the heights of last summer, and that is pretty good if you compare it to the S&P or most financial benchmarks."

The Great (Used) Gold Rush of 2009 - Part 1

Economically battered Americans at all income levels are rooting through their drawers to sell off their gold and jewelry for extra cash

Wendy Kushner, a middle school teacher in Edison, N.J., had never thought about selling the gold turtle and other charms she received when she was a teenager. But then she was invited to a cash-for-gold party in December, so Kushner did some digging and unearthed her old ornaments.

"I thought I'd clear $40," Kushner says. She was "shocked" when she found out two nearly forgotten trinkets were worth $180. Ka-ching. "When gold is $1,000 per ounce, it goes a lot further," she says.

Kushner had so much fun selling her old charms that she hosted her own cash-for-gold brunch in March, inviting 10 friends and family members to dine on bagels and salads. A local gold broker came to the event with a scale to weigh everyone's items, as well as a chemical kit to evaluate the gold. "It looked like years' worth of jewelry," Kushner says.

With gold prices soaring, even the savviest collectors can't resist the urge to make a quick buck. Reyne Haines, owner of The Finer Things, a Web site geared to high-end merchandise on the secondary market, and a host on the PBS hit Antiques Roadshow, recently sold a gold box with sapphires and two diamonds that she had purchased many years ago for $800 or $900 but never used. She got $7,500. "When I saw what gold was going for...it's hard not to justify selling it," Haines says.

The great gold rush of 2009 is on. In February, the spot price of gold peaked above $1,005 per ounce for the first time in a year. While gold prices have fallen off a bit and are now hovering at $870, gold still shines in comparison with other investments. "There's something primal about jewelry," says Karen Keane, chief executive of Skinner, the Boston auction house. "We know there is a relative rareness for gold and diamonds. People have been collecting them as an investment and hedge for centuries."

Gold Up Almost 50% Since 2006

Rahul Kadakia, head of jewelry at auction house Christie's, notes that gold and precious gems have a "long-term dependability" and serve as "a store of portable value." He adds: "This has been the case with gemstones and even precious metals for a very long time, especially in times of economic uncertainty where investment shifts towards a more concrete commodity that holds value."

Gold is up nearly 50% in the past three years, while the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index, despite the recent rebound, is down 37% for the same period. The typical retirement account is in the toilet, while the average home price has plummeted and unemployment continues to rise. No wonder Americans at all income levels are cashing in their gold as well as jewelry, watches, precious stones, coins, art, and other valuables and collectibles.

There are venues for monetizing your gems at every income level. Take pawnshops. Business is brisk at Fort Worth-based CashAmerica, the nation's largest pawnshop operator with more than 600 stores. It topped $1 billion in revenue for the first time in its 25-year history last year.

The most popular items in hock include wedding rings and "anything gold," says Anthony Twist, regional vice-president at CashAmerica. Twist says he has also seen a recent influx of higher-end merchandise, such as larger 3- and 4-carat diamonds worth upwards of $10,000. A standout is the platinum Rolex valued at $80,000 brought in recently by a customer needing some quick cash. "Many of my customers are typically small business owners who have hit a rough patch and are looking to make payroll" or pay off a creditor, Twist says. Up to 85% of his customers pay off their loans and get their items back, he says.

The Middle Class' Mail-In Jewelry Buyer

While pawn operators such as CashAmerica have revamped stores to make them feel more like jewelry shops than thrift stores, pawnshops don't necessarily cater to more affluent customers, especially women. In January, Lippincott, parent company of mail-in gold buyer GoldKit, launched a new brand called Red Swan, targeting middle-class women. "It's a big deal for women to walk into a pawnshop and sell their jewelry -- you feel evaluated," says Amy Steel, president of RedSwan.com, which buys jewelry by mail.

Business is already running ahead of projections, and Steel is noticing "a surprising influx" of large precious stones from customers. "A year ago we saw 1-carat diamonds" at GoldKit, Steel says. "Now we are seeing 3- to 4-carats" at Red Swan.

Red Swan's customers send their treasures in an insured, prepaid mailing envelope and typically are paid within 48 hours. So far, Red Swan is drawing the most business from customers in California, Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, Texas, New Jersey, and North Carolina, which are major population centers as well as areas of the country that have been hit hard by the crash in the financial markets. "The economic crisis has hit everyone across the country, and people are looking for ways to find value from things they didn't think have value," Steel says.

The typical GoldKit customer gets less than $100 for the items they sell, and most of that gold is simply melted down. Some recent Red Swan treasures include a 16-karat emerald set in platinum with diamonds, which fetched $17,000; a men's platinum Rolex President watch with diamond bezel, valued at $75,000; and a fancy yellow 5-carat pear-shaped diamond ring, worth $20,000. "That's a lot of money to have wasting away in the back of an underwear drawer in a baggie," Steel says.

Increase in Requests to Sell Valuables

Dealers who cater to the ultra-wealthy, meanwhile, see an increase in clients trading in items they no longer want. "My customers are eating their jewelry habit by selling off lesser things," says Cheryl Rhodes Coleman, a private jewelry dealer in Palm Springs, Calif. She's also been asked to sell paintings, antiques, and other valuables, which she doesn't do. "These (requests) have come out of the blue at me," she says. Other dealers report that cash-strapped customers have started purchasing items on layaway.

But Coleman says it is hard to know if her clients, who have second homes in Palm Springs but mainly reside in the Midwest, are short on cash. One longtime client recently told Coleman she was paring down her jewelry inventory in an attempt to return to "a simpler lifestyle." "She brought me everything I know of that she had" with a current resale value of about $100,000, Coleman says.

In New York City, the epicenter of the financial crisis, an estate dealer tells potential customers in New York Times advertisements: "I need your diamonds." But so far, "people are under an erroneous assumption that the rich are rushing to sell their jewelry" to raise cash, says Andrew Fabrikant, the firm's president.

Fabrikant, of Fabrikant Fine Diamonds in Manhattan, says his clients include several victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme. "I make a concerted effort to help if somebody was hurt by Madoff because I'm also one of his victims," Fabrikant says. A few other customers hit by the economic downturn have told Fabrikant they are selling jewelry to pay their mortgages, expenses, or bills, "but it's not lines and lines of people," he says.

Back in the late 1970s, when gold was selling at the inflation-adjusted equivalent of $2,500 per ounce, there were long lines in New York City's diamond district on West 47th Street. "It was like a deli counter," Fabrikant says.

Auction Houses Become More Selective

For people who do not need fast money, selling major gems at auction can yield the best results. However, it takes up to six months to monetize those assets. And the auction houses have become more discriminating when it comes to the items they will consign.

"The auction houses are not panicking, but they are being very selective with items they are taking," says antiques expert Haines.

But that doesn't mean the auction market is dead: On Dec. 10, the 17th century historic Wittelsbach diamond, a 35.56-carat blue gem, sold at Christie's London for £16.4 million ($24.3 million), a record price for a blue diamond.

How Not to Get Laid Off - Part 2

How Not to Get Laid Off - Part 1:

How Not to Get Laid Off - Part 2:

5. "Unwritten Rules" Are Now Engraved in Stone

Show up early, stay late. Everyone notices people who leave on the dot of 5 (or before) or take very long lunches or excessive coffee/smoking breaks. Don't get a reputation for being one of those people who takes forever to respond to an e-mail, voicemail, or a simple question. Vigilantly follow up on all assigned action items. Management is increasingly scrutinizing your every move.

6. Step Up—and Wear Very Big Shoes

Don't wait for someone else to solve your problems. Your manager needs to hear how the organization can trim costs, manage the supply chain better, find a new client, improve processes, motivate the workforce, and deliver the next big thing.

Observe what your competitors are trying and testing, read everything relentlessly, and ask people how you can improve what you do.

Your goal here is to make sure there'd be a gaping hole if you were no longer around. Make the choice every day to do work that really matters to the success of the team and the company. Put yourself in a position that is crucial to the success of a new initiative, or dig in to solve a vexing, long-neglected problem. Maintain a bias for action in every meeting.

7. Transparency Is Your New Trump Card

You must be totally transparent as to what you're working on and how it fits with management objectives. There can be no hiding, and no withholding information. If you don't have enough on your plate, say it. Ask to take on more—or better yet, suggest projects you can spearhead that have killer ROI.

The more honest your superiors believe you are, the more likely they are to trust you and keep you close. Being authentic builds relationships, even more than just hard work. Stop hoping no one finds out who you are or what you really do all day. Let people in…or they'll be showing you the door. Employers are likely to keep you around if they see you as a vital associate.

8. Make Friends in New Places

Human resources and finance are two departments that can have a significant impact on your career whether you realize it or not. They know a lot about you that can influence how you're perceived. Respect those folks, socialize with them, ask for their advice, and make sure you carefully do a little self-promotion. When cuts need to be made, you won't be an unknown quantity to them.

9. Start Tweeting or Start Packing

Look at the Millennials and see how they work, how they make decisions, and what technology and tools they use. No time for "I don't do Twitter or Facebook." Acquaint yourself with social networks, mobile applications, and commerce platforms to remain relevant. Let them intimidate you and you give your boss reasons to replace you with someone younger and more in the game. Ask a family member to help, take a course, read a book…and dive in.

10. Fit Club

Healthy people tend to have better outlooks and are easier to be around. They take good care of themselves, which in turn earns them the respect of others. Fit people often set high standards for themselves both at work and at play. And they just have more stamina, so they tend not to get tired when on deadline, and they don't call in sick as much. They have incredible endurance when others are reaching for that 10th Coke or itching to make that next trip to Starbucks. They are also calmer and more productive. So get your sleep, eat well, exercise, stay hydrated, and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol. This is an investment that will pay dividends for you and your employer. And yes, your employer does notice.

Rate yourself. Which of these 10 areas are you excelling in, which are you doing O.K. in, and where do you need to change your behavior? The truth hurts, doesn't it? But take the steps to make sure that it's your career that gets rolling, rather than your head.

How Not to Get Laid Off - Part 1

Managing your career: Ariane de Bonvoisin and John Kilcullen identify 10 skills you need to survive the next round of layoffs at your job

What's triggering fears and sleepless nights for many of us about the unemployment abyss is not the job-loss stats themselves, but the depth of the cuts—and the qualifications of some of the people getting jettisoned. The questions we keep hearing are: Why do highly skilled, seemingly essential people get cut while others don't? Are there patterns? How can I make myself indispensable?

In talking with employers about what they most value in employees right now, it became clear that the key to surviving isn't so much about the skills you have, the awards you've won, or the tasks you perform day in and day out. It's as much about qualities, habits, and capacities.

This is no time to keep plugging along head down, half expecting every meeting invitation you open to be your exit interview. You must take action to embody the qualities of those employees who always get promoted and always avoid the next round of layoffs.

And don't think that just because your company isn't downsizing or has said it has no plans to that you're safe. Things can and do change fast in this environment, so take preventive measures. Plus, the kinds of qualities we're talking about will serve you well when things turn around.

1. Remember: It's Not About You Right Now

Force yourself to focus with laser accuracy on your company's success, not your own. In challenging times, the last thing your employer wants is to cater to you and your fears. They want you to be a selfless, highly collaborative team player who meets and exceeds your commitments. Your presence can't be an energy drain or create work.

2. Become a Black Belt at Change

The most important skill to develop right now is finesse at navigating change. That means flexibility and open-mindedness. Accept whatever management throws your way. If they change direction (again), shuffle the product mix, add new goals, or refine strategy on the fly, say yes to all of it. Resisting change only makes life more difficult for management and for everyone.

This also applies to those things you took for granted. Accept that your expense budget and staff have been cut. Accept that you now have more work on your plate with the same (or fewer) resources than you had a year ago.

3. Everything Is Your Job

Demonstrate your commitment to the overall success of your team and your company by taking on tasks that fall outside your job responsibilities. Pitch in on packing up the trade-show booth. Manage your own schedule/address book/travel plans. Offer to take notes and follow up after every meeting.

Nothing is beneath you. The little things you do above and beyond your job description will serve you well when it's performance appraisal and/or downsizing time. Forget your fancy title, your impressive résumé—and your ego.

4. Walk Away from the Water Cooler

When straits are dire and headlines scary, the last thing your company needs is negative, gossipy employees who polarize colleagues into an us-vs.-them dynamic. Employers value passionate overachievers whose uplifting attitude contributes to a more energizing team culture. Whatever it takes, keep the negative mindset out of the office. This is your mantra: No complaining, no blaming! Dwell on what can be rather than what can't.

B-Schools Wary on Lehman, Merrill Impact

As the financial landscape shifts, B-schools are busy reaching out to nervous students whose job prospects are suddenly far from certain

These are usually the days when business school students are settling into their class routine and awaiting the arrival of recruiters on campus. But with the downfall of two of Wall Street's investment houses and fears that other major companies are on the brink, it's a nervous time at B-schools.

How bad will it be? Most business schools contacted this week say it's too early to tell, but Alan Johnson, CEO of Johnson Associates, a compensation consultancy. predicts hiring will be down by as much as 50% this fall, with students entering what will be one of the most fiercely competitive job markets in recent years.

"While most banks will not admit it, we expect to see few people hired in the fall and banks waiting to see how the environment evolves," Johnson said on Sept. 16.

About That Job Offer…

Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the rushed sale of Merrill Lynch over the weekend, school career services officers have been busy reassuring students, reaching out to those who had job offers lined up with the firms and organizing campus-wide events to discuss the overall impact of the events on job prospects.

One thing is certain: Career services officers at business schools are bracing for rough waters ahead, said Kip Harrell, board president of the MBA Career Services Council, the umbrella group of school career placement officers in a Sept. 15 interview.

Students who interned at Merrill Lynch over the summer and received a job offer are among the more fortunate ones -- so far. Their jobs appear to be surviving Merrill's sale to Bank of America. "We are standing by all of our offers," said a spokesperson at Merrill Lynch on Sept. 16.

The outlook at other firms is not so clear. A spokesperson at Lehman Brothers declined to comment. A call to insurance giant American International Group, which faced failure until a government rescue plan was reached Tuesday night, was not returned.

Recruiting Nosedive

Deans of business schools are also preparing for tough times ahead. The new dean of the University of San Diego's School of Business Administration, David Pyke, is expecting recruiting by investment banks to take a nosedive this fall. "I think it's going to be bloody." But he said it will probably not hurt his school too much since few students go to Wall Street; most end up in corporate finance positions.

The schools likely to be hardest hit are those known for their strong finance offerings, where large investment firms like Lehman and Merrill have tended to recruit heavily. Mark Zupan, dean of University of Rochester's Simon Graduate School of Business, said he believes that the top five business schools, which are key feeders for top financial firms, will be the most impacted by the turmoil. "It's going to be a tough market for Wall Street-related jobs," Zupan said.

Second-Year Jitters

Indeed career services officers at those top-ranked schools said they are anxiously awaiting word from Lehman, Merrill, and AIG on whether or not they plan to honor the job offers they extended to second-year students, as well as their plans for fall campus recruiting.

"We don't know the impact yet on recruiting for second-year students," Julie Morton, associate dean for career services at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business said in an e-mail. "We do know that as of Friday afternoon the outlook was solid." Most of the Wall Street firms hire mainly from their internship classes, she added.

In response to student concern over the events, the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton's MBA Finance Club held an impromptu meeting on Sept. 16 led by some of the school's senior finance faculty, said Michelle Antonio, director of Wharton's MBA Career Management. Plans are also under way to hire more career services advisers to help students with their job hunt this year, Antonio said.

"In light of this weekend's events we are working in close collaboration with our partners in the industry to assess the current situation," Antonio said via e-mail. "Our office was already focused on current economic challenges and is in the process of adding three new positions to our staff to provide direct support to students and alumni."

Reaching Out to Students

At the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business, career services officers have spent Monday and Tuesday reaching out to students who worked at the beleaguered firms this summer, said Jack Oakes, director of Darden's career development center. The school has strong relationships with Lehman and Merrill, both of which have been "long-time recruiters" at the school, he said. He has not heard yet from recruiters at either firm, he said.

"There certainly will be a direct impact on students," Oakes said. "In fact, we're meeting with some of our affected students…to see what they've heard directly from the company, to hear their thoughts and concerns and advise them accordingly."

In the meantime, career services officers are advising students to cast a wide net as they conduct their job and internship hunts this fall, especially those who intended to go into investment banking. They should consider jobs in other areas of the financial services sector, such as corporate finance or internal auditing, and consider jobs at small boutique investment firms, said the MBA Career Services Council's Harrell.

"We're being very honest and upfront with our students," said Harrell, also the associate vice-president of Thunderbird School of Global Management's career management center. "They're asking lots of questions, but we're telling them that New York may not be the best place to look right now. For those counting on investment banking, they are going to need to beef up their plan B."

Confessions of a TARP Wife

Forget the opera. Cancel dinner at Bouley. How life has changed since my CEO husband went on the government dole.

I am a TARP wife.

In keeping with the unwritten code of this new sisterhood, I have taken a vow of financial abstinence. I returned the presents my husband gave me for Christmas (but didn't tell him, since he's already awash in gloom) and am using my credit balances at all the major department stores for important gifts and other necessities.

I haven't even looked at spring clothes; God forbid someone catches me out in something new. Keeping up with fashion seems somehow decadent in this new era, like getting Botox injections or catered dinners. Like so many others, I'm shopping in my closet. I've bought exactly two things this year -- makeup and panty hose. If I buy a present for someone, I have the package sent to their home. I don't want to be spotted climbing into a taxi, laden with Bergdorf Goodman shopping bags.

As you can see, being a TARP wife means, in short, making decisions according to a complex algorithm: balancing the need to look like your world hasn't crumbled beneath you -- let's not alarm the investors! -- with the need to appear duly repentant for your subprime sins. It also means we're part of the community of more than 400 companies that have received government bailout funds, whose fall from grace has been swifter and harsher than any since Mao frog-marched intellectuals into China's countryside.

Hitting the perfect note isn't always easy. For instance, for the past 15 years or so, I have thrown my husband a birthday party. We traditionally celebrate with about 30 friends, mostly New York pals we've known for decades. We're not talking an end-of-an-era Stephen Schwarzman-type $10 million blowout. Ours is a pretty sedate affair.

This year, of course, entertaining our crowd at our usual multi-star Michelin hotspots would simply not do. Extravagant is out; conservative is in. But not hosting a birthday dinner would have spurred rumors that we were broke, not a welcome thought either. Juggling these conflicting impulses, I decided on a slimmed-down party. Choosing Versailles to host World War I peace negotiations could not have been more complicated than my attempt to select the perfect spot for our annual dinner. Naturally, every restaurant I contacted was willing to meet my reduced budget; now that Wall Street firms are no longer entertaining clients or hosting events, New York eateries are struggling.

At the end of the day, it came down to a choice between an especially accommodating (and well-known) high-end restaurant and a less expensive, clubbier spot. We ultimately picked the cozier restaurant -- even though it ended up costing us more, so eager was the more chic outfit to host the party. Why spend the extra bucks? Because our chosen place is distinctly low-profile and rarely mentioned in the press. We did not need a snarky story about a "Wall Street bigwig living it up while taxpayers wonder where their money went." Really, not even President Obama spends this much time looking after his image.

It wasn't long ago that America celebrated successful companies and the people who run them. My husband, CEO of one of the biggest TARP recipients, has received more than his share of accolades (in my opinion, well deserved). But because of a few tin-eared nitwits who failed to notice that their industry was under siege, the entire country now thinks that TARP bankers are greedy incompetents dedicated to ripping off taxpayers. Fancy wastebaskets, under-the-rug bonuses, lavish junkets -- these are Exhibits A, B, and C in the people's case against Wall Street. Even the Octomom gets better press.

Here is the reality: TARP managers are scared to death. The executives of these companies are desperately trying to hold their businesses together while complying with a slew of damaging bills flooding out of Congress. My husband has battled the shutdown of the credit markets and a deteriorating business environment for two endless years without respite. He's exhausted, terrified of losing the company, and beaten down by the constant criticism hurled at him.

I'm trying to buck him up and not complicate his life. The last thing he needs is unpleasant publicity, so I'm learning to fly so far below the radar that I have perpetually skinned knees. We've picked up new habits, like making donations anonymously and sneaking in late to black-tie galas after society photographer Patrick McMullan has packed up his camera and gone home. We now regularly turn down the invitations we receive from museums and arts organizations that will inevitably be followed by a request for funds. No point in getting their hopes up.

I get it that I may not win much sympathy. Why should I? I'm not pleading poverty. We still live in relative luxury, we can afford almost everything we need, and we aren't facing the prospect of losing our home or having to turn to our families to support us. But we are getting squeezed.

Like most Americans, we are worried about money. Our net worth is tied up in stock that is down 95 percent. Last year, before it became fashionable to do so, my husband refused a bonus. Because of the new restrictions, his pay this year will be a fraction of what it was. The combined swoon in our income has caused us to cut spending drastically, in hopes that we can hang on to some remnant of our former lifestyle.

In an effort to conserve cash, we are eating out less frequently, meaning that I've been turning out some pretty dreadful lasagna. Actually, staying home and watching Law & Order reruns has become our new guilty pleasure. It's a far cry from opening night at the Metropolitan Opera, but it's not bad. I drive the family crazy by switching off the lights every time we leave a room. Needless to say, we fly commercial. Using the company plane is now out of bounds; we've heard there are reporters staking out the private airports.

I have become oddly superstitious. On some level, I feel I'm being punished for too many thoughtless years of assuming that the trappings of success were earned and not given. I'm constantly knocking on wood or offering little good-citizen sacrifices, like manically recycling or chatting with telemarketers.

I'm struggling with how to communicate all this to our children. We're thankful that they're intent on making their own way in the world, but at the same time, they confidently rely on us for help. One daughter recently mused about going back to business school. I hope she didn't notice my instantly negative reaction, stemming completely from concern about the cost. I cannot bring myself to shake her foundation. The collapse of the world economy has already crushed the confidence of young people just starting out. Meanwhile, retirement is like a rainbow, a beautiful mirage that we'll probably never reach. To some people, these may seem like luxury problems, but to us they are painful.

I've watched the skin under my husband's eyes take on a yellowish hue, and his hair turn from gray to grayer, as he tries to lead his company through this mess. He's up every night for hours at a stretch, and for the first time, he has health issues. For a person whose life has been punctuated mainly by success -- from perennial class president and high-school sports star to Ivy League MBA -- failure is the worst of all nightmares. He seems off balance, as though self-confidence were a physical ballast that he is slowly losing. It's heartbreaking how often he apologizes to me for losing so much of our money, for making so many mistakes.

I know people are angry -- angry at those they view as responsible for the subprime crisis and the subsequent economic meltdown. I don't blame them. I'm angry too. But my fury extends to any number of culprits: to Alan Greenspan, who encouraged the loose-money policies that undermined the pricing of risk; to Barney Frank, who cudgeled Fannie Mae into supporting loans to unfit homebuyers; to the rating agencies that were ethically compromised; to the subprime-mortgage brokers who chased fees and ignored any accountability; to the investors who didn't do their homework and absurdly leveraged up their balance sheets. I'm an equal-opportunity blamer.

And yes, I blame those who were in charge of the big banks -- including my husband -- for not seeing the default tsunami coming. But almost no one did. Everyone knows this, yet financial CEOs have replaced the Mob as the most despised group in the country.

The good news is that Americans have short attention spans. Before long, some other group will come along to absorb all the frustration and anger.

Meanwhile, I'm off to the tailors to get some clothes altered. Shopping your closet is great unless you've put on a few pounds over the years. I've been holding out hope that fewer nights out could shrink me to fit back into some of the past warhorses of my wardrobe. Unfortunately, our appetite for comfort food has risen in proportion to the Dow's decline; the selloff this past month has upped our mac-and-cheese intake and created a sinecure for my seamstress.

No-Knead Homemade Whole Wheat Bread

Sometimes, because we have so many options to choose from in terms of our everyday bread, we often go for the artificially-enriched one, believing we’re making a healthy choice. Making our own bread is hardly an option too, because it is a time-consuming process, and time is probably the last thing we have to dispose of. Thanks to the New York Times and FitSugar, we can now do precisely that, with the recipe for the no-knead whole wheat bread.

For the sake of the argument, if it’s homemade bread that we really want, we could always choose any of the myriad of recipes available, and simply purchase a dough machine that would make our job easier. But if we’re not inclined to spend more money, then this no-knead recipe should be just the thing for us, since the only waiting we have to do is to let the dough rise for 14 to 20 hours.


- 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour;
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting;
- 1/4 teaspoon instant yeast;
- 1 1/4 teaspoons salt;
- 1 5/8 cups water;
- cornmeal or wheat bran as needed.


Combine the flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Add 1 5/8 cups water and stir until the dough becomes sticky, then cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and let it rest for up to 20 hours (but no less than 12), at warm temperature. One solution for this would be to make the dough at night, after work – this way, you’ll know that tomorrow evening you’ll have fresh homemade bread for dinner.

After letting the dough rise, you should notice that its surface is dotted with bubbles – that’s how you know it’s ready. Take the dough and place it on a working surface that has been dusted with flour beforehand. Sprinkle more flour over the dough and then fold it over itself once or twice, wrap it in plastic and let it rest for another 15 minutes. Then, coat a cotton towel with more flour, wheat bran and cornmeal, and place the dough, now shaped as a ball, inside it. Add more of the three ingredients and then place another towel on top of it. Let the dough rise for another two hours, after which it will be almost double in size and of a more solid consistency.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and put a heavy-covered pot inside to heat as well. When the dough is ready, take the pot out, move the dough from the towel inside the pot, shake for it to distribute evenly, cover with the lid and put it in the oven. Bake for about 30 minutes as such, and then for another 30 until the bread is browned. Cool on rack and serve with whatever it is you’re having for dinner. Enjoy!